Stephanie is excited to be working with the Educational Leadership Consortium of Nova Scotia as the Executive Director. She sees this as an opportunity to build relationships and to work collaboratively with the partnering organizations.
Stephanie is a retired teacher and administrator from the Chignecto-Central Regional Centre for Education (CCRCE). She was with the Regional Centre for 33 years and during this time she worked as a classroom and resource teacher, a principal in three different schools, a consultant and coordinator (Student Services) and finished her career as Director of Programs and Student Services.
As Director within CCRCE, part of Stephanie's responsibilities were to develop and oversee professional learning opportunities for teachers and administrators across the region. While with Student Services, Stephanie developed and taught a number of modules. She also taught courses at Mount St. Vincent University in the Supporting Learners with Diverse Needs and Exceptionalities graduate program.
Over the years Stephanie participated in a number of modules and conferences offered by ELCNS and is pleased to now have the opportunity to oversee the direction of the organization. In 2019-20, the ELCNS will begin a Strategic Planning Process that will help to establish priorities and set direction for the next 3 to 5 years.
To obtain contact information for Stephanie Isenor-Ryan click here.