Effective Professional Learning:

  • Is coordinated and developed through consultation with all partners in education, incorporating geographic, linguistic, and diverse representation.
  • Recognizes teachers and administrators as professionals, and support their commitment to the continuous development of professional practice in all stages of their career
  • Recognizes the impact of effective teaching and supportive leadership on student learning
  • Enhances teacher performance and improves student learning.
  • Supports standards of professional practices, professional growth plans and the Teacher Growth and Evaluation process
  • Responds to the needs and experiences of Nova Scotia educators by providing relevant, practical learning experiences related to their daily tasks
  • Integrates individual, regional, and provincial priorities and initiatives
  • Is aligned with student needs, teacher professional learning goals and teaching assignments
  • Is grounded in research and evidence-based pedagogy, and high standards of professional learning
  • Integrates student well-being and achievement in an integrated way within the Nova Scotia Inclusive Education Policy framework
  • Incorporates culturally and linguistically responsive pedagogy and leadership practices
  • Fosters individual and collective growth through collaborative inquiry with colleagues across Nova Scotia
  • Builds on teacher knowledge and skills to challenge attitudes, deepen understanding and transform practice
  • Facilitates deeper knowledge and skills through application and reflection
  • Addresses barriers to participation and enhances access to professional learning options for all Nova Scotia educators
  • Recognizes the value of formal and informal learning opportunities
  • Is facilitated by educators with expertise and experience in the topic of study
  • Incorporates participant reflection and feedback to inform ongoing improvements in program offerings
  • Is supported by resources

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